Monday, January 26, 2015

Todaaay in english class we had to make some kind of advertisement. So what's an advertisement? An advertisement is anything that draws people attention and it persuades people to do something.
We had to make an advertisement on a piece of paper and we had to color it and decorate it ourselves and basically just make it interesting. I did one about Pizza Hut because that's the first good thing that came to my mind. But let me tell you that I had to spend like 15 freaking minutes to think of what I was going to draw because I would think of something but then I would be like "Yea.. We're not going to do that". I did not really like just sitting and thinking of what I would do because see if someone asks me something then I wouldn't be able to think of the perfect answer but when no one asks me anything I can think perfectly fine, so there's that. So I was pretty satisfied when I thought about pizza hut because I was also craving some pizza at the time. And I'm pretty proud of myself for drawing the Pizza Hut logo because I think I did pretty well. So after we drew and colored our advertisement, our teacher told us to post it on our blog which is what I am doing right now. So here goes the advertisement

Looking for a place to eat good pizza and get together with the people you love? I've got just the place for you!
PIZZA HUT provides excellent service, a comfortable place, and of course.. Delicious pizza!!


Sooooo that's what I drew and wow I am really craving some pizza right now. 

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